UWA and associated programs to benefit from international mentorship network
AstraZeneca’s A.Catalyst Innovation Hub has entered into a collaboration with The University of Western Australia and all affiliated programs, including the WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub, Biodesign Australia, Australian Clinical Entrepreneur Program and Springboard Medical Manufacturing Alliance, to offer its global mentoring program to support associated start-up companies.

AstraZeneca’s Business and Science mentoring program is designed to help accelerate innovation in patient care across the world. It is not restricted to companies in the pharmaceutical field, as the extensive mentor network has expertise across a range of disciplines and expertise, not least data and AI.
Engagements can be a brief as a 1 hour phone call, or as consistent as 1 hour a week for 6-8 weeks.
For more information download the program overview:
If you would like to apply for the program, please complete and submit the form below, or Contact Us for more information.