Five iPREP Biodesign teams have given amazing talks highlighting fantastic outcomes for the industry partners!
Portable PPB Pty Ltd (2023 WA Innovator of the Year): PhD candidate Tina Phiri Chanda (Murdoch) and industry mentor Wade Lonsdale worked on expanding the application of detectORE™ to additional elements.
NovaCina: PhD candidates Betty Zhang (Murdoch), James Smith (Curtin), and Saumya Heendeniya (Murdoch), fully immersed in NovaCina’s R&D team under the mentorship of Rudy Flach.
North Metropolitan Health Service: PhD candidates Qurratulain Ali (MQ), Elham Soltanzadeh (UOW), Harrison Szemray (Murdoch), and A. Z. M. Ehtesham Chowdhury (Murdoch), under Pammy Yeoh and Aqif Mukhtar mentorship worked on developing Clinimine, a machine learning based support tool for an optimised patient care pathway.
North Metropolitan Health Service & Neurospheric: PhD candidates Hwei Wern Lo (UWA), Hansani Daluwatta (MQ), Aviroop Gupta (Curtin), Waqas A. K. Afridi (MQ), and team mentors Hari Ramakonar and Roshan De Silva worked on a medical imaging device that can be used to guide neurosurgeons with real-time imaging of the brain during the extraction of brain tumours.
MTPConnect & WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub: PhD candidates Jamila Hassan (WSU) and Pamela Acosta Reyes (WSU) mentored by Chloe Goodred focused on evaluation and growth of the ecosystem and development of new engagement approaches for WALSIH.

Many thanks to our university and industry partners for their continuous support and making this program so successful. Huge thanks also to our professional development training facilitators, Catherine Lightfoot and Kelly Kendall-Jones, and Chloe Goodred for Biodesign training! Special thanks to this round’s keynote speaker Ícaro de Oliveira Rosa for championing the iPREP Biodesign program.
We look forward to the next round of iPREP Biodesign (September-November).
Applications are open for both the industry partners and PhD candidates!
If you would like to be a part of our award-winning industry and PhD research engagement program, we would love to hear from you!
Visit for more information or contact us directly!
In 2023 and 2024, iPREP Biodesign is supported by funding from the WA Government’s Investment Attraction Fund via the Springboard Medical Manufacturing Alliance.